Monday, June 30, 2008

Blanket of warmth,
Blanket of snow,
Whatever you say,
We don't get much anyway
I have your name tattooed on my arm,
And your face carved into my own,
Where it will stay,


Sometimes I don't do what i say,
And I'm sorry.
Sometimes I push you away,
And I'm sorry.
Sometimes the truth hurts more,
But I'm not sorry

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Swimming in the ocean that surrounds the black of your eye,
I don't even have to try,
Stay alive,
Because in this never ending sea,
You help me,
Stay afloat

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"the thing about a crush is,
sometimes you get crushed"
Each poem
Each line
Strengthening the rope,
The rope that binds,
Binds poet and reader.
Warmth from the fire,
Can still burn you

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weave it all together
Just to slowly unpick the pattern

Build up a house
Just to burn its down



Its what holds us
Its what breaks us
Its what brings us together
But splits us apart.
Sometimes it seems to last forever,
and sometimes doesn't even start
Its what we wish for everyday
But hate in so many ways
Like God snatched words from the air,
But still left them hanging there
The stars aren't embarrassed,
They are scared
and hidden away

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Lost inside a destination.
Trying to get there,
But lost
I don't know where
I am going
Don't know what
I am doing.
Trying to remember my goal,
But can't put my finger on it.
I'm lost inside a destination,
trapped inside a destination,
And can't get out
Sun is still on the horizon
Fighting to stay up
But getting dragged down
And you stand watching
Holding your cup
Warming your hands
Still amazed,
Even though it happens everyday,
The sun is there,
And it just seems to fade away,
It still catches your eye,
When it sinks into night

Monday, June 9, 2008


We pass our lives,
Not understanding,
The meaning of life,
Not understanding.
We walk miles
For small reasons,
Not understanding.
We work so hard,
To get better,
Just to die,
Leaving it all behind,
Still not understanding.
We buy them all gifts,
To earn them,
When we know,
We will lose them,
Not understanding
We continue,
And not understanding
Pinned up photographs
What colour is the wall
Behind all the memories?
Painted with times,
With you and friends
With the family.
The story never ends,
So many memories,
We hold so dear,
But so many photos
Not up there ,
On my wall.
Hidden away
From those days,
That you remember most,
But haunt you like a ghost.
The ones,
You want to forget,
But never can

Friday, June 6, 2008

So many words
Meant to be spoken
But so many words
Because of fear
Lost in the sky
Tears fill your eyes
Felling so alive
Into the stars dive
The moon will drive,
You crazy
Crazy for rainbows
Where sun and rain goes
Its throws
Its beauty at you
Fixed eyes
To the sky's
Devastation is overwhelming
Hunger spreading
Families lost
Diseases gained
Cold nights
Hot days
With no shelter
And much death.
IS the hardest cancer to treat
Existence is bearly there
She is unnoticed
Hand never reaches out
Keeping to herself
Intoxication fills your body
Depending on it for happiness
Smoke fills your lungs
Depending on it for happiness
One more sip
One more inhaling of poison
One more pill
One more disappointment
Still depending in it
For happiness

(based on Sofi's speach)

Reminded of bad times
Small secret crimes
Drink away the pain
Trying to kill the shame
Not the problem solver
Pray for the miracle
Pour the cup full
Find this treasure
Drinking or prayer
Where did daddy go?
Closed doors
Paper covered floors
Curtain painted windows
Closed forever
Sun peaks through the cracks
Into this empty room
Empty house
A ray of hope
Of happiness
This happy ending
In this fairytale
With the happy princess
Who found her prince

Mel and Aaron's poem game!

Tear-drops of rain
Melting on a summers day
sun takes away the pain
And you're here with me
It feels so right
Nothing but a soft breeze
Kissing the tips of the trees
Below on the ground
An umbrella lies alone
Walking in soaked clothes
Hand in hand again
Missing you
Nothing i can do
To bring you back
Everything between you and me
Watch the pattern fill the page
Watch the people pass the days
Watch the teacher show the ways
Watch the watcher fix the gaze
Fill the sky's
With lullabies
Raining lyrics
sound of acoustics,
Ringing in your ear
Singing the words
Fly with the birds
High on music
and sudden silence
Autumn leaves
Rolled up sleeves
Crimsons, orange
And yellows
Walk through the shallow
Layer of colour
Lying in the grass
Watch them fall above you
Seasons don't last
Each one passes through
Autumn leaves
Colours of the sunset
Dream in black and white
Paint in the middle of the night
Out of reach
Out of sight
Paint the lines
Don't seem straight
Paint the lies
They're so faint
Paint the face
of a saint
Never waking up?
Neon Glow
City lights
Where to go
City nights
Colour clashes
Time Square flair
Taxi cab
Take your time
Take your pills
No straight lines
These are your thrills
Just throw it away
Is your life not worth it?


Rainbow catastrophe
Colour collage
Blended feeling
Rain and sun
Small talk heroes
Your fired
Turned up sterio

Empty house,
Music booming,
Missing your spouse
Place so gloomy

Run away
Forgive yesterday
Be alive
For once


I'll be back
Maybe tomorrow
Follow the track
And let go of the sorrow
These days
Who knows
What goes
In his mind
My mind
Might just find
Its the same
Acoustic lullaby,
Tears fill your eyes
Lyrics you memorised
Have left you
Try remember
Last December
Summer sky's
Boyfriends lies
I recall them now,
"I'm gonna let it go"
What did i miss?
Awkward moments,
Strangers meet,
Moved feet,
Nights sleepless
Turn, toss
No loss
Just trying
To do right


One window room
With one cardboard box
Fifteen cryed tears
And no drying ones
One girl
Facing many fears
Furniture is naught
Sat there and thought
Empty room
Green for jealousy
Purple for looks
One blasting radio
That she can't hear
Blocked out
One window room
Breaking away
From the rest
You're trying your best

Even though,
They say you belong
You know you don't

Just try a little
To cry a little less
And don't break down